
(Pierke) I.S. Bosschieter, freelance indexer



Indexing Names, editor Noeline Bridge, 2012

The Indexing Companion, Glenda Browne & Jon Jermey, 2007

Indexing Specialities: Web Sites, Heather Hedden, 2007

Website Indexes: Visitors to Content in Two Clicks, James Lamb, 2006

Indexing Books, 2nd edn., Nancy Mulvany, 2005

Inside Indexing: The Decision-Making Process, Sherry L. Smith & Kari Kells, 2005

Indexing for Technical Communicators, Max McMaster and Sue Wooley, 2004

Website Indexing, Glenda Brown & Jon Jermey, 2004

Facing the Text, Do Mi Stauber, 2004

Indexing: The Manual of Good Practice, Pat Booth,  2001

Indexing: A Nuts and Bolts Guide for Technical Writers, Kurt Ament, 2000

The Art of Indexing, Larry S. Bonurra, 1994

Indexing from A to Z, Hans H. Wellish, 1991

Subject Analysis: Principles and Procedures, D.W. Langridge, 1989

Indexing, the art of, Norman G. Knight,1979







ISO Standards:

BS 1749:1985 Recommendations for alphabetical arrangement and the filing order of numbers and symbols

ISO 999:1996 (International Standard) Information and documentation. Guidelines for the content, organization and presentation of indexes (from ISO)





Style sheets:

New Hart’s Rules, Oxford University Press, 2005

The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, 2003


The publications I use while compiling indexes: